About Picarello & Saciolo, PLLC

From divorce and custody to support and domestic issues, our seasoned legal team navigates the complexities of family law. Rely on us for compassionate guidance, strategic advocacy, and personalized solutions. Your complete partner in safeguarding family well-being."

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Turn to Picarello & Saciolo, PLLC. if you need legal assistance with your matrimonial and family law matters, our experienced attorneys handle all aspects of divorce law and family law, from the most simple to the most complex. We concentrate on issues relating to domestic violence, father’s rights, high net-worth divorces,  and relocation.

At Picarello & Saciolo, PLLC., we are dedicated to becoming the premier family law firm in the regions of Long Island, Queens, and Brooklyn. We understand that our clients entrust us with their most personal and sensitive legal matters, and we hold ourselves to the highest standards of excellence.

Our commitment to exceptional work product and a stellar reputation is the foundation of our firm. We invest in continuous professional development and ensure that our attorneys and staff have a mastery of family law, staying up-to-date with the latest legal developments. By maintaining a deep understanding of the law and utilizing our expertise, we can provide our clients with the highest quality legal representation.

At Picarello & Saciolo, PLLC., we are committed to accessibility and inclusivity. We believe that everyone deserves quality legal representation, regardless of their financial situation. To ensure access to justice for all, we work with clients at every financial level, offering flexible payment options and tailored solutions that fit their unique circumstances.

Our dedication to client-centered services goes beyond legal expertise. We approach each client with compassion, empathy, and understanding. We actively listen to their concerns, communicate clearly, and keep them informed throughout the legal process. Our goal is to provide effective legal solutions that not only address their legal needs but also support their overall well-being.

However, if all else fails, trust in knowing that our team of experienced trial attorneys will aggressively litigate your case to get you the best possible result. Our track record is among the best on Long Island, and we’ve been named one the of 10 Best Law Firms in New York for Client Satisfaction by the American Institute of Family Law Attorneys.



1601 Veterans Memorial Hwy Suite 500, Islandia, NY 11749

(631) 392-4949

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